Six-handed Sit and Go's only pay the final two players with first place taking 65% of the prize pool and second place winning the remaining 35%.* First place gets paid 50% of the prize pool, second place 30%, and third place 20%.* In 9-handed Sit and Go's the final three players get paid. As soon as enough players sit down, cards go in the air and the action begins. On we primarily offer either 6-handed or 9-handed Sit and Go's. While many multi-table tournaments can last many hours, even a 9-handed Sit and Go will normally be finished in less than an hour making it easy for players to get in the action without a long time commitment. As soon as enough players have registered, the tournament begins. One of the other attractive features of Sit and Go's, and where the name originates, is that they can be offered 24 hours a day with no set schedule. Sit and Go's offer the thrill of a regular multi-table tournament but every game is like you've reached the final table. Sit and Go tournaments (a.k.a SnG's, Sit & Go's, Single Table Tournaments, STT's) are an exciting format of poker than has become very popular. How to Play | Sit and Go Rules Sit and Go poker Tournaments Rules